Polyurethane Wheels vs Rubber Wheels: Which is Better?
When you think about wheels, rubber is one of the first things that probably pops into mind, and for a good reason. For almost a century, rubber compounds have been used for almost all automotive wheels. Many don’t often think about wheels other than automotive...
Polyurethane and Skateboard Wheels: The Perfect Marriage
Anyone who has spent time in a metropolitan area has probably seen a skateboarder weaving through the streets. Being able to weave in and out of traffic and pedestrians with such ease was not always possible. It took a special material to come to the task. One with...
How to Reduce Manufacturing Costs & Improve the Bottomline
Whether you’re a manager or high-level executive in a company, one way to dramatically reduce your company’s expenditures is to reduce manufacturing costs. Stated by TPC Inc, manufacturing costs include the cost of materials, labor, and any overhead associated with...
Polyurethane 101: What You Need to Know Before Buying Products
While you’ve most likely heard about polyurethane, you might not know exactly what it is or the primary functionality it possesses. To know what best suits your business needs and figure out what you need to purchase from a urethane supply company, you need to gain an...
An Industry Standard in Urethane
When lives are on the line, you need material that works, no questions asked. The demanding nature of todays military applications require expertise and oversight that comes with years of industry experience. Demand by todays top armed forces for Polyurethane in various systems within the military demonstrates how this material has proven itself in the field. Having quality materials you can rely on matters. You can rest easy knowing polyurethane will perform as needed, not just here at home, but overseas as well.